I am the de-facto Editor-in-Chief of my own website. Banana-king of my one-person internet republic. So I get/have to write a Letter.

In the past I have had greater ambitions for the visual aspect of this site than have come to fruition thus far (big ups to the Zonelets framework for letting me get this up and running though) but that’s several HTML tutorials away, and for now I just want to say things somewhere. Truthfully I already say things in many places but those places, even Twitter, are too real to me to be of use. I don’t know. If there is such a thing as a mouthpiece, and a mouth attached to it, both things are too loud; let this instrument be without voice, or maybe the sounds it makes could be piped in from somewhere far away from where I am writing them. If that makes sense. Anyways. Any intentions I had for this blog I have mostly abandoned, except that I want to write, as I have Said.

Happy Sunday. I hope we all have a good week.

Current Reads: Master and Commander, Patrick O’Brien; A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick

Watching: Severance, S2E06